Event Details 

Danette Pulley, MarketStar Foundation

  • 20 Jan 2022
  • 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM (MST)
  • Weber School District Office - 5320 Adams Ave Pkwy, Ogden, UT 84405

Danette Pulley, MarketStar Foundation

Location Change: Weber School District Office - 5320 Adams Ave Pkwy, Ogden, UT 84405

Danette Pulley

Danette Pulley is passionate about connecting people to people for powerful impact. With 20+ years of experience in marketing, program management, and championing community, Pulley has an innate ability to think big on creative strategy, organize collaborative concepts, and turn ideas into action by amplifying team members and volunteers. She has successfully managed large high-tech industry programs and events, non-profit activities, local political campaigns, community sports complex development, and, most importantly, the daily whole life building of her two daughters. She loves to lose herself on the mountain trails above her home, exploring National Parks, or by a campfire with her family.

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